Wednesday 24 January 2018

16 Week Update!

It has officially been 16 weeks and the builders are running a bit behind so they will now have to compensate me $330/week for every week they are delayed.

The painting and tapware has been done so the house is starting to all come together. The doors are in. Not much left to do! The shelving needs to be built for the walk ins/pantry. Downlights/lights and switches. Door stops, flooring, rendering outside and concrete.

Hoping to move in around the end of FEB! Now.. for the pictures!

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Furniture Shopping!

Over the break we got all the furniture for the house!

We chose these chairs, but in a lighter grey because the couch is already dark grey.

Tiling & Painting

The end of year rush took over so I didn't get a chance to update. There was not much done to the house after the plastering as the builders were on break for 3 week. The tiling has been done and they started the painting a few days ago. This should also be finished by now but I have not had a chance to drop in.

Loving my Bevel white Tiles in the kitchen and so glad I changed it to white grout so it does not look so "cafe like"